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IV Weekend song 10/5/09 – Needled 24/7 May 10, 2009

Posted by Kehos in Música.
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Avui, després del tema clàssic que us vaig posar la setmana passada toca una mica més de tralla. Aquí us deixo el potent vídeo de Needled 24/7 de Children of Bodom, un grup que jo ja coneixia des de fa temps però que mai m’havia parat a escoltar i, quan ho vaig fer, vaig descobrir que realment sí que m’agraden, tenen un encant especial 😉

Espero que disfruteu de la música que poso cada setmana, sé que quasi no entra ningú aquí però si algú ho fa i té alguna crítica l’acceptaré!

Artista: Children of Bodom
Cançó: Needled 24/7
Àlbum: Hate Crew Deathroll (2003)

Since day one I’ve been crass and far beyond. 
I couldn’t laugh, I couldn’t cry … 
Before you judge me, take a look at yourself. 
Condescending, outlivin’ in a lie.. 

Despite all the pain in my heart grinding through, 
it ain’t due that you hate what I hate what you do 

Despite all the piety you’ve been consuming thus far, 
a backstabbing motherfucker to the bone is what you are 

And everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n’ turn, 
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn. 
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven, 
Then again it’s like being needled 24/7 

You look down to me to see the scum of the earth to be. 
Fuck yeah, that’s me, vile and obscene. 
I ain’t happy about it but at least I don’t judge and decree 
to be better than another human being. 

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n’ turn, 
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn. 
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven, 
Then again it’s like being needled 24/7 

Despite all the piety you’ve been consuming thus far, 
Can anyone, somebody tell me what the fuck is going on? 

Everyday when the knife in my back starts to twinge n’ turn, 
My eyes are catching fire and my heart starts to burn. 
A foot away from you is like a bit closer to heaven, 
Then again it’s like being needled 24/7

Web | Children of Bodom

Fi de la transmissió, que la Força us acompanyi.


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